Metaphysical Blog

Sharyn Atkinson



3 Manifestation Mindset Shifts to Make Now to Achieve Your Goals Faster consciousness energy blocks limiting beliefs manifesting mindset May 23, 2024

Some people think manifesting, deliberate creation, law of attraction is total bs.. and I understand why. There is a lot of distorted information about what you have to do to manifest that is not correct. 

There are 3 main misconceptions about manifesting that I’m going to address so...

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From Doubt to Belief: How I Unravelled the Magic Behind Manifesting ascension consciousness energy blocks higher senses intuition limiting beliefs manifesting Oct 06, 2023

I recently attended an event where the topic of manifestation took centre stage in our discussions. To be perfectly honest, I was taken aback by the sheer diversity of perspectives and interpretations that people held on this subject. The discussion blew my mind because I had forgotten how I once...

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Rewire Business Owner Specific Money Blocks (Revpreneur Blocks) energy blocks limiting beliefs mindset money Apr 20, 2023

There’s a common misconception about money blocks and that is, once you clear them, you will start to receive more money. Removing limiting beliefs about money is important but that’s only part of the challenge for business owners.

Ideally it would great to obliterate limiting beliefs...

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How Shadow Energy Empowers You & Propels You to Reach Higher States ascension consciousness energy blocks energy healing limiting beliefs shadow energy Oct 24, 2022

This might seem like an unusual thing to say, but I have a strong fascination with shadow energy. I’m fascinated by its intricacies, communities it forms, its hierarchy, how it works, why it is here, how it interacts with us on a daily basis and what we can do about it. It is a huge topic...

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